
Law, maritime, maritime security, safety, security


The traditional view of maritime security is epitomised by warships, but this is a narrow and naive way to look at contemporary maritime security.  Maritime security consists of several elements, as is white light passed through a triangular prism.  However, translation is key, and many languages use the same word for safety and security.  Consequently, there is no internationally recognised definition for maritime security.  The commercial shipping industry, which dominates the oceans by number, emphasise safety, whereas navies concentrate on security.  The adoption of the International Ships and Port Facilities Security (ISPS) Code by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in 2004, introduced the first security code for the maritime industry.  Whilst it has been effective, it is limited in scope philosophically and literally to countering terrorism, restricting its utility across the spectrum of maritime security.  As the shipping industry confronts the challenges and hazards of the interconnected cyber space, crucial to the increasing efficiency of the industry, cyber risk management has been incorporated as part of the maritime safety management ethos, without confronting the extent and realities of cyber security.  The diversity and complexity of maritime security, especially those caused by climate change are becoming progressively more evident and may require an innovative approach.

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